Freyja Essential Oil Blend

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Product Details
This is the perfect blend of:

White Sage and Lavender for peace of mind and calming. 

White sage and lavender essential oils both have unique properties and potential benefits:

** White Sage Essential Oil:**

1. **Cleansing and Purifying:** White sage essential oil is often associated with purification rituals. It's believed to clear negative energy, cleanse spaces, and promote a sense of clarity and balance.

2. **Aromatherapy:** Inhaling the aroma of white sage oil can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a calming effect on the mind.

3. **Respiratory Health:** It may have mild respiratory benefits when diffused or inhaled, helping to open airways and ease congestion.

4. **Antioxidant Properties:** White sage oil contains antioxidants, which can be beneficial for overall health and skin care.

**Lavender Essential Oil:**

1. **Relaxation and Stress Relief:** Lavender oil is renowned for its calming and soothing properties. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote better sleep when diffused or applied topically (diluted).

2. **Skin Care:** Lavender oil is often used in skincare products due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can help with minor skin irritations and acne when properly diluted.

3. **Pain Relief:** It may provide relief from headaches, muscle aches, and joint pain when used in massage or added to a warm bath.

4. **Improves Sleep:** Diffusing lavender oil in your bedroom can promote a more restful and deep sleep.

5. **Hair Care:** Lavender oil is sometimes added to shampoos and conditioners for its potential benefits in promoting hair growth and scalp health.

6. **Mood Enhancement:** Inhaling lavender oil can uplift your mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Both white sage and lavender essential oils can be used individually or blended with other oils to enhance their benefits. However, it's crucial to use essential oils safely. 

Always dilute them properly before applying to the skin and be cautious with their use if you have allergies or sensitivities. 

Additionally, consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional for personalised guidance on using essential oils for your specific needs and preferences.

Freyja, a prominent figure in Norse mythology, carries rich spiritual symbolism. She is often associated with the following attributes:

1. **Love and Beauty**: Freyja is seen as the goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality. Her presence can symbolize the importance of these aspects in one's life and the celebration of natural desires and emotions.

2. **Fertility**: She's also connected to fertility and the cycles of life, which can be a symbol of renewal, growth, and abundance in spiritual contexts.

3. **Warrior Spirit**: Freyja is not only a gentle, loving deity but also a fierce warrior. This duality can represent the balance between strength and compassion, highlighting the multifaceted nature of spirituality.

4. **Independence**: Freyja's independence and assertiveness can serve as a symbol of personal empowerment and the pursuit of one's desires and goals.

5. **Magic and Seidr**: She is a practitioner of seidr, a form of Norse magic. Her connection to magic can signify the importance of spiritual practices, intuition, and wisdom.

6. **Cats**: Freyja is often depicted with cats, particularly large ones. Cats can symbolize mystery, independence, and the spiritual connection to the animal kingdom.

7. **Necklace of the Brisings**: Her possession of the Brísingamen necklace may symbolize the value of personal adornment, the pursuit of treasures, or the idea that material beauty can hold spiritual significance.

8. **Lunar Connection**: Some interpretations link Freyja to the moon, which can symbolize the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.

9. **Love and Loss**: Freyja's quest to reunite with her lost husband, Od, can be seen as a symbol of the human journey to find love and connection, even in the face of challenges and loss.

10. **Goddess of the Valkyries**: As the leader of the Valkyries, Freyja can symbolize guidance and protection in times of conflict or struggle.

Incorporating these symbols into your spiritual practice or reflecting on Freyja's attributes can add depth and meaning to your personal journey. Remember that interpretations can vary, so it's essential to connect with the symbolism that resonates most with your own beliefs and experiences.

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